Invocations for Bad Juju

For when voodoo dolls are overkill but you still want them to suffer:

  • I hope every time you go to turn your phone off you take a screenshot instead.
  • May all the stickers you try to remove tear and leave the adhesive residue behind.
  • I hope your houseguests flip the most inconvenient switch on a three way outlet.
  • I hope you step in the wet spot in sock feet.
  • I hope you always forget which side your gas tank is on.
  • I hope you hit a pothole every time you get an alignment.
  • I hope your belt loop catches on the door handle.
  • I hope you go to turn on the kitchen light and turn on the garbage disposal instead.
  • I hope you wake up 15 minutes before your alarm goes off.
  • I hope you press too hard on the perforation and your check tears.
  • I hope the clear plastic lid for your spray bottle rolls under the counter.
  • I hope you chose not to get gas the night before you’re running late.
  • I hope your zits always pop onto the mirror.
  • I hope your ceiling fan isn’t balanced.
  • I hope your neighbor’s dog barks for no reason.
  • I hope your USB cord still doesn’t plug in on the third flip.
  • I hope you always miss the trash can.
  • I hope you step in dog poop on the way to your car.
  • I hope you forget about your hitch ball every time you walk behind your car.
  • I hope your charging adaptor falls out of the outlet.
  • I hope you always think there’s only one more step going down the stairs.
  • I hope someone cuts packing tape with your favorite scissors.
  • I hope your phone falls out of your pocket onto the public restroom floor.
  • I hope the last thing you did was use hand lotion the next time you need to leave your house in a hurry.
  • I hope your necklace clasp is just barely big enough for the latch.
  • I hope you have to slam on your brakes the next time your bag is unzipped on the passenger’s seat.
  • I hope you don’t have a lid on your drink the next time you ride in someone else’s car.
  • I hope the paper tears the next time you get drive-thru Taco Bell.
  • I hope all your socks work their way over your heels in your shoes.
  • I hope there are traffic delays the next time you need to pee.
  • I hope your dog licks your glasses.
  • I hope a loop of your mop always catches underneath your sofa.
  • I hope the ends of your sleeves get wet when you wash your hands.
  • I hope the nylon lining of your jacket gets stuck in your zipper.
  • I hope the next person you allow to merge in front of you is overly polite.
  • I hope your bathroom door latch is slightly not aligned with the hole.
  • I hope your windows are open the next time you close your front door.
  • I hope you can’t align the wall hanger with the plastic teardrop on the back of your clock.
  • I hope someone knocks every time you go the the bathroom.
  • I hope babies always cry when you smile at them.
  • I hope someone is having a text fight while leaning over their buggy in front of the item you need.
  • I hope your dog only jumps on clean people you don’t really know.
  • I hope something tiny falls right in front of your garage door sensor.
  • I hope your jeans aren’t quite dry around the pockets when its cold.
  • I hope you never figure out how to get your DVD player out of subtitle mode.
  • I hope you thought your windows were rolled up the next time it rains.
  • I hope a piece of apple gets stuck in your teeth on the first bite.
  • I hope you accidentally pop the hood when you reach to release the parking brake or the gas cap.
  • I hope there’s someone in the car your shopping buggy hits.
  • I hope you walk by holly bushes when you have on thin pants.
  • I hope your houseguests are always 15 minutes early.
  • I hope you only thought you pressed “record”.
  • I hope you start talking at the same time as the person you’re on the phone with.
  • I hope you run into people you know at the grocery store.
  • I hope every child says, “can I tell you a secret?” in front of their parents.
  • I hope someone sexy gets on the elevator you just farted in.
  • I hope you have a truck and friends that move a lot.
  • I hope nobody takes your good advice.
  • I hope you get an unignorable tickle in your throat every time someone tries to confide in you.
  • I hope you forget to turn off your blinker when you merge.
  • I hope you see three heavy things you forgot you needed when you only grabbed a basket.
  • I hope you forget the answer to your hint question.
  • I hope something lodges your junk drawer closed.
  • I hope the number you blocked leaves automated voicemails.
  • I hope you forget you have the maps app running when you’re listening to a podcast.
  1. Tracey Gates

    Oh my gosh! Keep writing! I get a pain in my side every time I think of your ER nurse self suffering! I’ve only had several times in 30 years where my “cheese slipped off my cracker.” But that just proves that you are kinder and have the biggest heart around. I loved you like my child then, and now my soul beams thinking of you mired in mud. I knew Heartland was too good to be true! Never an episode of mud slides! Xxxxooo Tracey

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